Testimonial :: Neudentistry
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Steve Muljoto
- Ok !
- Keren !
- Nyaman
- Professional
Dengan Dr. Adrianus Gani
19 Desember 2019
Ngeuw Fei Ping
Selama 5 Tahun saya telah kehilangan gigi sejumlah 4 buah yang menyebabkan saya merasa tidak nyaman pada saat makan. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan oleh Drg. Adrianus Gani, ternyata tulang rahang saya mengalami penyusutan yang cukup extreem. Setelah itu dilakukan operasi penambahan tulang dan pemasangan dental implan oleh Drg Adrianus.
Setelah selesai implan, sekarang saya merasa sangat nyaman seperti mempunyai gigi yang asli.
Highly Recommended.....
21 Desember 2019
Angela Giovanni
- minimum pain, fast recovery.
Thanks Dr. Adrian
21 Desember 2019
Joshua Alan

Dokter Adrian menangani kedua gigi bungsu saya dengan sangat baik & professional . Tidak terasa sakit dan pencabutan gigi lancer. Dokter Adrian juga sangat ramah dan hati-hati dalam penanganan pencabutan giginya.

21 Desember 2019

Indriawaty Setiawan
Waktu itu kurang lebih tiga bulan yang lalu, saat itu saya kesakitan dan tidak bisa makan dan bicara, untuk buka mulut saya saja tidak bisa . Saya konsultasi ke neu premium dentistry dan ketemu dengan dokter gigi Rudy Iskandar, dan di diagnosa TMJ. Dengan sabar saya di laser & dipakai splint. Dengan beberapa kali konsultasi saya sudah bisa makan & tidak sakit lagi tanpa pakai obat-obat.
Saya sangat berterima kasih kepada dokter Rudy I.  Sehingga saya bisa hidup normal kembali.
Sungguh drg. Rudy kreatif dan sabar
17 Desember 2019

Saya sudah berobat di beberapa dokter gigi. Baru kali ini saya rasa klinik dari Dokter Andri Suwardi sangat profesional dan peralatan modern dan canggih.

22 January 2015


It is really nice clinic i have visited and i am very very impressed.

08 May 2013


It is so encouraging to experience young dentist work with an excelent team work made by Dr Andri Suwardi to serve Jakarta patient with very high dentistry standard even exceed some famous dentist in other countries. A pride of our nation, Indonesia.

28 April 2013


Bagus. Suster - suster sopan. Kebersihannya pun OK. Suasana bagus. Semuanya memuaskan.

13 February 2013


On My Way To bali where i will be participating in a dental congres. I visited the Neu Dental Clinic. I was very impressed with the way patients are welcomed as guests in his beautiful practice. Not only beautiful but from a professional point of view very organised with great attention to hygiene and professional working environment. A real pleasure to visit. Thank you so much for showing around.

06 November 2012


The most exclusive experience in the far east... for dentistry!! It's like a 5 star well from dental.

06 November 2012


Very nice clinic ! I am impressed. I would like to get my implants placed together with Geistlich Bi-Oss and Geistlich Bio-Gide here in this clinic if i am ever in need of an implant in Indonesia. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality.

06 November 2012


For me visiting the dentist means one thing, and that pain! I have a very low pain threshold. I walked into neu and was immediately at ease, the class and the expense that has gone into every detail of the clinic made me feel that this as the place to be. The waiting lounge is a good idea. My dr made me feel at ease straight away, assurance me coufidently what needed to be done. The dr explaned everything clearly without jargon, he was great. 10/10!

07 Agustus 2012


Wow! where to begin. what a totally magnificent facility. Centainly, no expense was spared to privide all of your patients every possible comfort. You have also created an environment in which your whole than must feel proud. Your sterilization area which we consider "The Beauty of a Dentist Office," was certainly state of the art if not state of the future. 

12 Juni 2012


I visited Dr. andri suwardi's clinic  on june 4,2012 for a tour of the clinic and to inspect the implementation of hu-friedy's Instrument Management System (IMS). The IMS cantnidges are used to process instrument used in dentistry and provide an excellent infection control system. The neu premium clinic is a first class clinic equipped with all of the latest high-tec equipment. I would recommend the clinic to anybody seeking the highest possible dental care.

12 Juni 2012


A wonderful environment, relaxing and polished best wishes and an the best for a succesful practice. god bless.

01 Juni 2012


I have had a really good experience for me and my children. The Personal and their attention are excellent. The doctors, Dr. Andri Suwardi and Dr. Nani with really good experience in their job. The equipments are excellent also.

25 May 2012


Very nice clinic. A bright star in the dental businness of this beautiful country. A lot of success and great future to you.

02 Agustus 2011


It was a wonderful experience to weel Dr.Suwardi and see his unique practice coucept and high patient confort.

Thank you very much!

02 Agustus 2011


Incredible feeling. Very painless and professional people.

06 Juni 2011


Saya sudah 8 tahun mempercayakan perawatan gigi saya kepada Dr. Andri/ Neu Dental. Yang saya suka mau apapun/ treatment apa saja saya tidak merasa takut, karena betul-betul tidak ada rasa sakit atau tidak nyaman. Yang saya suka adalah selain dokternya yang baik, juga alat-alat dan fasilitasnya super canggih. Mau separah apapun kondisi gigi kita, pasti ter-handle dan painless. sukses selalu untuk neu.

06 Juni 2011


I am so happy, our whole family are very satisfied. Thank you so much.

Jakarta, 06 Juni 2011


From the facilities to the service, everything at neu was first-class. I was very well taken care of from the beginning. When I walke in, I was nervous and when I walked out I felt confident & beautiful.

Jakarta, 06 Juni 2011


Very professional, modern. Level of care quality equal to any I've had. Very gentle, pain free dentistry.

Jakarta, 06 Juni 2011


Very Good - Just As Good - Or Even Better - Than Back Home In Europe.

Jakarta, 24 April 2011


I am truly impressed! This clinic is certainly the best I have ever seen. State of the art from A-Z. I wish Dr. Andri Suwardi and his team all the best and a lot of success.

Switzerland, 04 March 2011


Respect! This is probably the most "Chic" clinic I have ever seen. It feels like a relaxing place where you want to come back. So far, I always believed a dental clinic is not necessary a place where I was to be. "Neu" proved that this is not true. Going to the dentist can be pure amusement. Thank you for the cooperation with Strauman. It is an honor for us to work with you.

Switzerland, 04 February 2011


Doctor Andri is very reliable and makes the experience of going to the dentist not as scary as it would usually be. The whole staff is very welcoming and comforting and so are the premises.

Sydney, 02 February 2011

Panin Tower Senayan City 19th floor, Jl. Asia Afrika lot 19, Jakarta 10270 | phone: (62.21) 7278.2381 - 83 | E: neu@neudentistry.com | sms: 081.772.6374
Tokopedia Tower 36th floor unit D-E, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 11, Jakarta 12940 | phone: (62.21) 2598.2626 - 27 | E: neucw2@neudentistry.com | sms: 0819.1872.6374

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